On Prem Private Cloud


Build a private cloud with Origo OS in a matter of hours. Manage your VM’s, storage and networking in a simple, intuitive interface or using the REST API.

Origo OS uses Linux’s built-in hypervisor KVM. A private cloud built with Origo OS comes with a variety of pre-built services like Kubernetes, MongoDBMinIO, WordPress, Jupyter, Rocket.Chat, and more. You can try out Origo OS in Origo’s  cloud which is European owned and served from European data centers.

Origo OS is released as dual-licensed open source software and ready to use today. You are free to use Origo OS for non-commercial purposes. For commercial purposes you must aquire a commercial license.

Reach out, if you are looking for an alternative to VMware or Hyper-V, or if you are looking for an efficient way to build a private cloud for running your virtual servers and containers.
